Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Hotel Mediterraneo (Mariott Renaissance Downtown)

The Mariott Renaissance Hotel is beautiful.  Our room is just outside the top main solarium, or terrace, and the view ..... oh.. the view!  Vesuvius looms just ahead to the left, followed by the amalfi coast, the isle of Capri, across to the downtown port and all of the downtown Naples architecture, castles included.  Castle St. Elmo, where Britton and Tyler's HS graduation ceremonies were held is just above us, looking down from it's perch of hundreds of years.  The Castle Nuovo is right below, and the tops of Galleria Umberto and Piazza Publicito are in the foreground.  It's a spectacular sight and the non-stop action of traffic and patronage flow below like the ocean waves just beyond the streets.  The constant breeze is lovely - this is one of my favorite feelings - to feel the wind on my face.  The giant cruise ships in the port are a daily reminder of all the people who are discovering Naples for the first time -- Oh what their thoughts must be of this chaotic and dirty city!  The treasures that are hidden within it's depths will never be discovered in one day by these tourists.... and their first impressions will be what mine were when we first landed here 8 years ago this summer......  The saying goes that you hate it the first day, after a week you are intrigued, and after a year you never want to leave.  I would agree.

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